Overseas Buyer Directories



A big help with finding overseas buyers for your export product, Trade Map is very comprehensive direct source of importers and wholesalers alongside trade statistics. It provides a list of prospective importers and exporters for every product and country combination in more familiar product categories than the HS code. A very useful feature that the database offers is the range of products that the importers trade in, indicating how specialised an importer the company is. For more detailed export preparation beyond buyer identification – see EPB Training Courses


Europages is a business directory with a focus on the European market with details on around 2.6m companies,mainly from Europe. Find your buyer, generate business leads or access professionals.

  • Find potential buyers yourselves
  • Search by activity, product or service for free
  • Customized search by country, company type and size of the company


Wer liefert was (WLW) is the leading online B2B marketplace in the German speaking part of Europe: Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It has about 590,000 suppliers, producers, distributors and service providers.

  • Search by activity, product or service for free
  • Search by country, product category, company type and company size
  • Possibility to quote your products with photos


The Canadian Importers Database (CID) provides lists of companies importing goods into Canada, by product, by city, and by country of origin.

  • Find potential clients in Canada
  • Free company search by HS code


It is a subscription-based website with import and export details on commercial shipments worldwide. It is very detailed in terms of showing information all the way down to shipment level with also deep insight into supply chains showing customers and suppliers of individual companies. Whilst subscription based, some initial information is accessible free of charge.


The Japanese External Trade Organisation keeps up a directory reference to help you find directories of companies related to overseas business (trade and overseas expansion) in each prefecture of Japan